You're annoyed! Totally! So vent! Then relax.... Send em here!

(Also if you are annoyed at a previous annoyance please include the link to the page to the other annoyance.)


I am annoyed at the Democratic National Convention. Not really about the politics- but they're taking up all the good TV time! And it's summer- totally slim pickings! And now all the major networks are doing the DNC thing! So I'm stuck having to watch the husband's choice ('cause there's nothing else to watch). What did I watch last night? Three hours of the Sci-Fi Channel. I'm a chick... well at least not a chick that into the sci-fi channel. Somebody! Buy the rights to the DNC- it only needs ONE channel!


This was an annoyance... For 20 years. Why so long, why did I stick with the job. Hey... I work for the Post Office. You wise up and get out in a couple of years or you are in for life. Kind of... Just ten more years till my pension, do I want to throw away the twenty years I already put in; suffer all that time for nothing. So at the 20 year mark one of my fellow workers got promoted to be my immediate Supervisor. She kept getting bumped up to where she would be out of my hair, and then sent back down again because nobody else in management could stand her! They could do something about it. I could not.

This gal ended many a career. She drove people into anxiety attacks so that they would be carted out of our place in an ambulance, fuzzy eyed and shaking. Think I am making that up? Not.

How did I tough it out? Well, she was not so bad at first, but as she got older she got crazier, and better at knowing how to micromanage all our jobs. All of us tried to sneak around out of her sight, because as soon as you came onto her radar screen, immediately something would come to her mind about how you could do your job better and she would call you over for a little talk. No matter how busy we were she would explain how we were too busy because you were not efficient enough (meanwhile the line is growing longer and longer because she won’t let you get busy). I kind of got used to her, or numb, or zombified or something. That is how I could stand her so much better than new people who would come under her power only to be shocked and appalled. We warned them she was crazy, crazy as in we are not applying the word loosely, but they had to experience it to believe it.

She rarely took vacations because we could not get along without her. Whenever she did... Production and Efficiency increased dramatically. Oh, and yelling and cursing at your minions is considered bad form, but hey, our office has no recording devices. For every bit of mandated praise she would come up with ten times as many things she thought we did wrong. We all agreed that the world would be a better place if she we hit by a bus, but none of us had the right commercial driving license or the money for a reliable hit-man. We did discuss the possibility wistfully however, and totally without guilt. And she will not retire.

So why is this a Monday Goodie? BECAUSE JUNE 1ST I RETIRED! Oh God, I am so happy. I am still glowing from the effect of being in contact with only normal people for months now. She actually called and asked me if I wanted to drop by the office. She has no clue, because if you tell her off it has zero retention or chance of changing her behavior. But what do I care now. I am free and I will never see her again as long as she lives. My fellow Postal Prisoners envy me, and I try not to rub it in when I talk to them, but the lilt in my voice comes through.

I don’t know if I can take this much sweet harmony, but I am willing to try. (Oh, and for me, retirement is great. I was worried, but I found out I don’t have to have a meaningful pursuit or hobby or volunteer or anything like work. Maybe it is because I worked for the Post Office, but I really am happy just sitting on my butt.



previous annoyance<<<<<<<<

If you're annoyed! Write me!

[email protected]