Send in your letters or hometown/vacation postcards to: 

Odd Todd - PO BOX 187 - New York, NY 10014

From - San Bernadino, California                        All the other letters all organized!



Thanks for the laughters and the hospitality... for me anyways! Really

I am digging the weekly pictures, so I expect that you have the fun of

keeping it up. I wanted to see more than your apartment and the

building, perhaps the neighbors? You should show a

"girlfriend" to all us fans! We wanted that you came

clean and that you would publish a photo of the both

you... acceptable? Lastly thanks Todd... you are coolio!


>From: Griselda"

>To: [email protected]

>Subject: your spanish letter -Ou est Mon Langùagê Other?- 041404

>Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 11:00:15 -0500


>The person who wrote that doesn't speak spanish. They just used a

>translator. This is what he's saying!:


>Dear Todd:

>Thanks for the laughs and the hospitality!

>You have a bee at the two years fabulous! For me to be! Really, I'm

>diging for the weekly squares so I hope you have an epoch to save it

>for up. Would I like to see more of your apartment and the building,

>equals maybe to


>You must hide a girlfriend, we all throw!

>Would we like if you could come here clean and publish a picture af both of

>us, you?.. acceptable?

>The thanks, Todd .. you are coolio!


>As you can see, that person made NO SENSE AT ALL. They just used a bad

>translator. This should have been proper spanish, gramatics and



>Querido Todd:

>Gracias por las risas!

>Estos han sido 2 años fabulosos para mí!

>Realmente, espero con ansiedad los recuadros semanales, así que espero

>que tengas tiempo para guardar esto. Me gustaría ver más de tu

>departamento y el edificio, así como de tus vecinos.

>Todos pensamos que ocultas una novia!

>Me gustaría que vinieras y publicaras una foto de nosotros dos, ¿sería eso

>aceptable para tí?

>Gracias, Todd! Eres cool!


>And what he probably had originally before translating it is:


>Dear Todd:

>Thanks for the laughs!

>These have been 2 fabulous years to me!

>Really, I'm digging for your weeklies, so I hope you get some time to

>save this up. I'd like to see more of your apt. and the building, and

>also your neighbours.

>We all think tht you're hiding a girlfriend!

>I'd like you to come and publish a picture of both of us.. would that be


>Thanks, Todd! You're coolio!-


>Anyway, just boring you for a while ;)

>Take care!