My Book Report

Hey! This website has been up for officially one year this week! 

And I got news for ya! I signed a book dealio with Warner Books! (I know. I totally can't believe it either. It's makes my head feel weird just to read what I just wrote there.) Anyway, I'm going to be writing and drawing and doodling and stuff like nuts for a while- big time. 

The title is The Odd Todd Handbook: Hard Times, Soft Couch. I can't tell you too much about it right now (mainly cause it ain't done at all) so you'll have to wait and see. If I can finish it in time it will be out in May 2003!

Thanks so much to the people at Warner because money-wise (although the site has been keeping me going. thank y'all.) I have been running on financial fumes for a while now with credit card issues and stuff- and I started to get concerned that I was going to have to start actually working for a living. So for now I can de-stress a bit on that... at least for a little while...

So what does this mean?

First off, it means I have to get off my ass and write a book- but as for the site, it will keep going along as it always has. Luckily this book thang will keep me locked up in my apartment so it's business (or no business) as usual.  But if I am slow to respond by email from time to time you'll know why.

So anyway I am frickin way psyched and freaked. It's unbelieveable for me (I hope I don't screw it up) and I'll let you know all the goings on going on as they go. Maybe this will lead to other things too...

And keep sending letters!... feel free to throw in a buck...but if not, that's ok too... at least for now...

Thanks to y'all for all the great support this year! I'll get crackin on a new toon for the site asap too. And thanks...

ok bye!
