Dear Blackberry User,

It's over. We have put up with your addiction for years now but it's now time to get a hold of yourself and take control over your problem. The other night when you were out at dinner with some people-- the poking at your Blackberry every five minutes was simply unacceptable. Were you responding to some unimportant email? Were you disappointed that the vibration you felt was just spam? Did you realize that your addiction just disrupted the flow of conversation and slightly annoyed everyone around you? You didn't even apologize for blatantly making an email a priority over the table full of people. You assume this is accepted behavior. But for us non-Blackberry users-- we looked upon you as having a problem. And we wouldn't be a friend if we should let your behavior continue into 2008. As we are now in the future. We've let this go in the past. It now has to stop.

We don't expect you to go cold turkey-- but it's time for you to start taking your addiction to the bathroom to do what you have to do. If you need to crouch in a stall and poke away at that thing-- that's now your business. I'm not your mom. We just don't need to be a witness. It's not funny or cool anymore-- and I think lines need to be drawn now. Inappropriate blackberrying is now dated like the 3D Pipes screensaver. Put it this way, if I opened up a laptop at the table and started googling stuff would that be ok? Of course not. You are not far away from doing just that. Or if I took out a small vial and started chopping up lines on my plate would you be psyched? (Well, some of you might be-- but it's still not acceptable behavior!)

So please in 2008, have some respect for yourself and the people sitting at your table. Take your problem to the bathroom or outside like a cigarette so we don't have to sit there and be vaguely annoyed your electronic secondhand smoke and the disturbing display of you being publicly bitch slapped by a pocket device. The novelty is over and it's time for etiquette to start playing a role here. You wouldn't allow a child to play with a toy at the dinner table...

That is all.

ok bye!

PS. Yes this applies to iPhone and cellphone other devices etc...

Photos below!!


Here's some boringish pictures for ya! Holiday photo craziness to come soon...

This is a photo of a Palm Blackberry ad I saw in the subway. What's wrong with that photo?

I would not be good at that job...

Or that job...

For whatever reason the other day I started taking care of pictures up poles. I think they might look kind of weirdish. Artsy and stuff!

Ok that's enough of those there...

Roscoe unhappy about being a Driedelhead.

The new Apple store down in Chelsea. There were macheads standing in front of it and shamelessly masturbating.

Santa big pimpin and getting geared up for the holiday season...

The angular ridiculousness that is Times Square.

ok bye again!

better pics soon...
