My Awesome Garbage Solution

So the other day I was out with friends and we started to talk about garbage. There was lots of garbage piled up on the street for the next morning. The street was basically lined with trash. So much! Everyone produces bags and bags of garbage, right? (unless you're Darryl Hannah or something). Every office building. Every house. Every apartment building. Every supermarket. Every factory. Tons and tons and tons of garbage. Everyday. Tons. Right? So the question we had was... where does all the friggin garbage go?

Besides the recycled stuff I guess it all goes into landfills in different places but it just seems like there's way too much garbage for a simple landfill. Like in NYC we heard alot of the garbage gets dumped out in Staten Island (poor staten island) but it's been that way since I was a kid. At what point do landfills get filled? It seems like they'd fill up in like a couple months. At least in a year. Is there that much land out there? That many landfills? To handle decades upon decades of garbage? Piling up and up and up? Why isn't the whole world covered in garbage by now? You'd think McDonalds garbage alone could fill up a stadium every day!

But no problem! Because I got an awesome solution!

Ready? Ok!

We build a giant superduper powerful drill, right. The kind that can like dig tunnels but way bigger and stronger. And right in the middle of the country somewhere we point it straight down and turn it on. And it tunnels a super big hole to the center of the earth where there's burning hot magma or something, right? A one way trip for the drill. And all the garbage gets dumped down into that big hole and burnt to nothing! Problem solved!

PLUS (here's the fun part and it saves on gas!) Every state is responsible once a week to mold their garbage into a big giant garbage ball. And that ball gets put into a huge precision mega-catapult, right? And a camera gets strapped to the top of the garbage ball. And the garbage gets friggin launched once a week like a basketball to that big giant garbage hole. And people get to tune in live and watch their garbage fly! Flying across miles and miles and stuff and straight down the big hole. Plunk! Swish! Nothing but net! And if some state messes up and shoots their catapult wrong and splatters their garbage all over some other state by accident-- then all other states can recalculate their catapults to launch their garbage at that state one time to really mess up the state that messed up the other state! It would be like an incentive to make sure states don't screw up! And it would make garbage exciting again!

Just an idea...

ok bye!


PS. Even if the catapult idea is a phase 2... I do like the the drill idea.




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