Pictures for the Week!

Hey! Look at that! I actually took my camera out today and took some pics! Here they are! With captions and everything! Here they go!

Someone spent alot of time on this here. It's like some kind of eye test for obsession...

Another angle of that there. I sort of admire the lunacy it takes to do something like this--- and I admire my restraint to go down that road.

My name is Murray and I have a hat and a little tie and I like things and art in my ear and I like treats and colors and have a heart full of love to share.

This tree almost didn't make the cut for pictures to post but something about that branch is so weirdly straight. Like artificial or alien or something...

Twas Bastille Day fair down the street today. I headed to check it out with Roscoe but we backed away from the mob of fake frogs. Was too beaucooped up.

Not sure if they're coming or going but they were whispering and shushing at each other...

This thing was crawling around back there. I held my camera up and yelled 'Smile!' and it froze and did that...

Someone said, 'Yknow what? Screw it... My tag is gonna be Jack Nicholson's face...'

Looks like Venom took over this building or something...

I wonder if claustrophobic people would get freaked out by this. Does this qualify as a confined space? I know scaffoldphobes hate it for sure tho...

Took a close up of this broken window for arts sake. Dirty robot ice.

Someone is looking at you. So is they.

Meh. How serious could it have been?

Someone felt the need to stick that stuff up on that thing there so they did it.

I dare you to pound on this door. I double dare you. Double devil dog dare...


At one point someone worked very hard on this thing. At another point someone chucked in the garbage head first into old pizza crust.

I was surprised that I missed this shot. It said Once Upon a Time in 1922. By the looks of things the rest of the story exists in a fragmented nightmare...

I think you gotta be crazy to trust vines to this degree. With their history of cinematic strangulation and such? They're coming thru the window at some point!

I double took this window and my heart did a double take...

ok bye!


Warning: Some comments below may annoy you or make you roll your eyes...


