It's time for...

The 7th Annual Halloween Jack-O-Pumpkontest!


Click thru and check out how awesome these axes are!

+ Runners-Up receive a choice of:

Coolio Dot Lantern Necklace! Click the banner and check it out!

Classic Monkey with a Big 14" Sock Gorilla! Clicky do and clicky see!



Here are the TEN commandments to this contest
(aka the rules. please read!):

1. The pumpkin must be something YOU created.
(You meaning you or you and your friends or you and your family.)

2. No limit to how many pumpkins you can send in but all pumpkin entries must be sent as individual photos
(unless the pumpkins are meant to be together as a group ex. Three Stooges Pumpkins).
Do not make me 'pick the one I like best' please.

3. All submissions must include pumpkin name and a one sentence reason as to why you think it should win.

4. You can use photoshop and pumpkin carving design kits.
*But photoshop can only be used in a blatant way. Like backgrounds or adding graphics or text whatever.
Not for fixing flaws in your pumpkin and stuff...)

5. You cannot send in a pumpkin you created on a previous halloween. The pumpkin must be a 2009 pumpkin.

6. You can use other vegetables if you have something against pumpkins.

7. Voting/judging will be determined later on when I figure it out.

8. If you'd like you can send in a lights-on photo and a lights-off photo.
If you want to do this it must be sent as one photo side by side.

9. All pumpkins must be received by November 2nd at midnight EST and must be sent to
[email protected]

10. No breaking the rules.


Any questions or concerns and ALL PUMPKINS sent to [email protected] please.

So go out and get your pumpkin and start planning it out! Amazing prizes this year TBA!

That's the dilly! I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff but I'll keep updating this page with answers to questions or whatever.


(Legal disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything. If you accidentally chop off your head while carving a pumpkin you cannot sue me or haunt me or ride up here on a horse with your headless self. If you mess with the voting you will be haunted by scary ghosts while you sleep. Said ghosts will whisper scary ideas in your ear with cold clammy breath and give you little licks with a slimy tongue. Your reading this message means you have forfeited all your rights to anything and everything regarding this contest. You agree I am the Super Supreme Court Judge and will hear all disputes in my own time... which is never.)