Saturday's STRANGE?

Holy MOLY! That is weird! Write it up! Strange stories or weird dreams/nightmares! Send yers now! 

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Dear Todd,

About two year ago I was waiting in my dad’s car at night because he had to talk to a friend real quick. I got bored after five minutes so I decided to turn on my camera phone. Nothing was happening but then I saw this huge light in the sky. There was a small Frisbee-like thing moving slowly towards it. It just kept moving towards the huge light then when it got very close the little thing flew into the big light then the big light disappeared. I have a picture here! 




Mary and I was sleeping soundly. (About 8:30 AM) Suddenly I was awaken, as well as was Mary, to a sharp rapping on the window. (Four times if my memory serves me well) As well as my memory serves me it was four raps. Load raps. My fisrt thought, as I was hitting the floor, was that someone had knocked on the door and when they couldn't get us came around to the window. That's what I first thought after looking out the window and seeing no one. After searching real good and checking out what evidence I had, I decided What it might have been a communication from a supernatural source.
You ever heard of communication from THE DEAD?

I have! Well my first cousin died January 21! Yesterday was Februry 8. That's 18 days. 18 days is 1+8=9. What's that mean Bob? In Numerology the 9 is the number of completion.

For an example we can go to history. One example is ABRAHAM LINCOLM.  On page 31 of the book "THEY KNEW THE UNKNOWN  it says that he (Abraham Lincoln) "....was puzzled or frightened by his own promonitory dream of his death by assassination."  Information can be found at these sites
Thomas Edison and his contribution to the facts
From the report on Thomas Edison
Concerning Thomas Edison

Visitors to the museum here have reported a number of strange events over the years, from an electrical presence that causes hair on arms to stand on end to the voices of ghostly beings that cannot be seen. Could the place actually be haunted.... or can the phenomena be traced to Edison's most unusual inventions? A machine to communicate with the dead....



OK, I'll be the first to admit that as strangeness goes the following story barely moves the needle on the strange-o-meter, but here goes anyway.  I was visiting my cousin this past weekend in Pittsburgh and the night I got there I had this very vivid dream about how my cell phone was missing from the holder on my belt that I keep it in.  I remember thinking " Man this really sucks that I lost my phone!"   But then I woke up and it was all coolio because it was just a dream and my phone was where it was supposed to be.  That night we went to a hockey game - GO PENS! - and after the first period I reached for my phone and, que dramatic scary music, sure enough no phone in the holder....just like my dream.  Now I have never lost my phone before and I have never dreamed about losing it before so the whole coincidence of the matter struck me as, well, very strange so I figure it qualified for a post.  There is a happy post script though, I called the arena and someone turned in my phone.  That's all I got.  Big fan of the site.


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