Phone Booth


Hello Todd...

Who's this?

Don't worry about who this is...

Well I'm clicking off.

Don't click off Todd...

Why not?

Because I'll crash your hard drive that's why...

You can't do that.

Oh no?

I don't think so, dude... later.

You wouldn't want to lose your 6GB folder of mp3s would you?

Who is this?.. how do you know that I have 6GB of... who is this?!.

Ah. I got your attention... Now if you want to save your hard drive you'll listen to me..

I'm not scared of you! I backup my files everyday.

Don't lie to me, Todd. I know you don't backup...

I do so backup! I backup...  um.... everyday!

OK... then I guess you won't mind if I just erase all the files in this... 'no nothing' folder.. the files with the .fla extension... i think they're called 'source files'...

WAIT!.. ok... hold up! hold up....

You don't backup, Todd. Do you?

No... no I don't.

And why don't you backup, Todd?

I keep meaning to. I don't know why I don't backup... I...I'm lazy... I procrastinate... and... I don't believe I could have a meltdown so bad that it fries everything...

Ah. Now we're getting somewhere. Some honesty...

What do you want?

I want to know what you did today...

I went to the movies. I went to see Phone Booth...

Did you like it?

Um... why? did you like it?


ok ok!... I wasn't crazy about it..

And why not, Todd?

Umm... the first thing that bothered me was that it was unrealistic..

How so?

Well besides the fact that there hasn't been a phone booth in NYC for years... there was alot of other stuff...

Like what?

Like the way the police handled the situation. I'm not expert on police procedure but I didn't sense any real reality there...


Like there were hookers running around like it was still 1975. And a cell phone rang like 20x in a row without going into voice mail...stuff like that...

go on...

And like... um.... I don't think snipers use hollow point bullets.

How would you know that? Are you a ballistics expert all of a sudden?

No... it just seems like a sniper would use a something something millimeter or something...

So you're "joe expert" now...

No but...

Senor Experanto!

I just...

Dr. Hans Von Expert!


King Expertismo from the Planet Expertizo!

can we move on now...?

Sir Han Sir Han Expromino!


Cardinal Excelsior Expertistico!



What do you want from me!!?

Why did you go to this movie, Todd? You knew you weren't going to like it..

I don't know. I just wanted to get out for a couple hours.

Why not see The Mighty Wind?... you knew that would be a better movie.

It wasn't playing out here...

Is that the only reason, Todd...?

Um... plus I don't like seeing comedies by myself...

Why not?

Because... I don't know...

because why, Todd...

because I think seeing comedies alone is depressing somehow... and I usually don't enjoy them as much when I'm by myself...ok?

Ah! More honesty... now we're getting somewhere...

You happy now?

Let's say I'm perking up...

Ok... so what do you want?

I want to know what else bothered you about Phone Booth...

Colin Ferrell's american accent. Something about it was off... it somehow seemed fakeish... but maybe I was just looking for it...

You think he's a prick don't you...

I didn't say that...

Admit it, Todd. You think Colin Ferrell is a prick... say it!

No I'm not going to say that...



and what else..

... and I'm jealous of his hair...

Very good, Todd. This honesty thing is starting to become you...

OK! So what do you want? You just want me to be honest?! There! I was honest...

Tell me more about what you thought of the movie...

There was no fear. No care for any of the characters. Clumsy script. It was kinda cool to watch but somehow it all didn't ring true (so to speak..)

Ha Ha! not..

Not enough killing either... I actually was hoping someone would get shot up just to spice things up... And there was constant distractions by things that weren't realistic. Even the killer's logic was unrealistic... It all just felt like treading water after the first 20 minutes. The whole thing struck me as a missed opportunity that could have been done much better. And the actress who played his wife was bad. And it was like the director schulmacher was like just showing off how he could pull off a feature film like this... big yahoo...

Was anything good about it?

I liked the opening credits and I liked certain moments... and I did like the concept on a broad sense.... and I liked Jefferson...

You mean Forest Whitaker...

Yeah... Forest Whitaker...

Do you think Forest Whitaker likes people calling him "Jefferson"?

Well he was Jefferson from Fast Times at Ridgemont High...

I know that! First he's gonna shit... and then he's gonna kill us... I remember... but I don't think you should refer to him as 'Jefferson'

oh no? why? 

Cause I think he's done alot since Fast Times... it's like calling Fred Gwynne- "Herman Munster" all the time..

Actually y'know what? In the movie, it would have been funny if the voice on the other end of the phone sounded like Herman Munster. I probably would have liked the movie more then...

Yeah that would have been cool!!... or French Stewart!

French Stewart...? I don't think so...

You got a problem with French Stewart? I'll DELETE SOMETHING!

ok ok! he's great... ok?

ok.. so you wouldn't recommend Phone Booth?

Nah... it was weak. It had some moments but all in all I'd say pass on it.


Plus what?

You know what...

I know what, What?!

Don't make me delet...


Very good, Todd...

Can I go now?

Yes... I think we're done here...

Thank you.

Oh one more thing...


In your computer there's a folder named, 'Jenna'. What's in that.?.. It's taking up a huge amount of sp...
